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Free Wheeling


Art Shaw and his New Music : Free Wheeling



Style:  Jazz

Date Recorded: September 17, 1937




Charted: ‘Free Wheeling’ charted on Billboard in 1937 for 3 weeks reaching a high of #13.

Wikipedia: Free Wheeling

Name: Instrumental


Art Shaw and his New Music

  • Artie Shaw, clarinet
  • John Best, Malcolm Crain, Tom di Carlo, trumpet
  • Harry Rogers, George Arus, trombone
  • Les Robinson, Harry Freeman, alto sax
  • Tony Pastor, Jules Rubin, tenor sax
  • Les Burness, piano
  • Al Avola, guitar
  • Ben Ginsberg, string bass
  • Cliff Leeman, drums
  • Leo Watson, vocal?

Label: Brunswick Record Corporation

Free Wheeling - Art Shaw and his New Music - Brunswick record label

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